Dry Mouth Solution: Sticky Pastilles - XyliMelts – Oral Science Boutique
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XyliMelts Adhering Pastilles — Mild-mint

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XyliMelts Adhering Pastilles — Mild-mint - Oral Science Boutique

The only xylitol in time-release adhering pastilles indicated to stimulate saliva while sleeping and during the day


45g box (40 pastilles per box)

Helps reduce the incidence of cavities
Stimulates saliva production to relieve dryness of the mouth

High concentration of medicinal-grade xylitol
Timed-release xylitol
Long-lasting relief: Sticks and stays on gum to coast, moisturize and lubricate
Helps reduce the incidence of cavities
Use while sleeping
Safe & discreet
 Non acidic pH of 8.1 & neutralizes acids
 100% natural: no gluten, GMO or preservatives. Alcohol, Allergen & Sugar Free



What are XyliMelts?
XyliMelts are oral-adhering discs that stick to your teeth or gums to relieve persistent dry mouth. Use XyliMelts during the day or while sleeping and find temporary relief from frequent thirst, sticky dryness in the mouth and throat, and other unpleasant dry mouth symptoms. Made with xylitol, a natural sweetener that helps stimulate saliva flow, XyliMelts utilize adhering disc technology to slowly release 550 mg of xylitol, which is most effective when continuously released and lingers in the mouth, especially when used while sleeping when saliva flow is lowest. XyliMelts last for hours, moisturizing and coating the mouth for optimal comfort. The mild mint flavor freshens your breath and the xylitol may reduce the risk of tooth decay.

Helps you Find Relief from Dry Mouth Caused by:
Sjogren's Syndrome
Cancer treatment


Directions for Use:
Place tan adhesive side on the outside of a molar and/or adjoining gums (upper or lower), white side touching cheek.
Before bedtime
2 pastilles while sleeping, 1 on each side of the mouth or as needed. Lasts 4 to 6 hours.
1 to 2 pastilles, 3 to 7 times a day or as needed. Lasts 1 to 3 hours.

Do not adhere to the roof of the mouth to enhance comfort.
A gradual introduction to xylitol is recommended since it could have a mild laxative effect in the case of excessive consumption.

Medicinal Ingredient:
0.55g Xylitol per pastille

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:
Acacia gum, cellulose gum, hydroxypropyl cellulose, natural mint flavor (without for the mint-free version), magnesium stearate, calcium carbonate.



Customer Reviews

Based on 287 reviews
Susan H.
These work!!!

I was given a few sample packs from my dentist. I was afraid they would dislodge in the night and I worried about choking hazard, so I didn't try right away. But my dry mouth was SO uncomfortable that I couldn't sleep. I finally tried these. Amazing!!! They adhere beautifully and I am getting a comfortable sleep again, as I am not waking up from the dry mouth.


J'achète les Xilimelts depuis des années et j'ai toujours été satisfaite de son effet sur la salivation. Malheureusement, suite à mon dernier achat (8 boîtes) j'ai pu constater que les pastilles avaient changées. Elles me semblaient plus légères, moins denses, mais ce qui fut extrêmement décevant, c'est qu'elles ne durent plus toute la nuit comme c'était le cas auparavant. Est-ce une erreur de parcours?Je l'espère, car je ne me vois pas en racheter telles qu'elles sont puisqu'elles ne jouent plus leur rôle qui est d'empêcher de se réveiller au milieu de la nuit avec du papier sablé à la place de la langue par manque de salive ... SVP, RÉPARER VOTRE ERREUR! Merci

Edna Y.
Highly recommend this product!

These work exactly as promised to address dry mouth syndrome while sleeping. They adhere securely and are surprisingly long lasting. The flavour is not overpowering and there is zero after taste. Also recommend buying in bulk because they are so good you will not want to run out.


I can't live without these! I love waking up with no bad taste in my mouth, and a comfortable throat with no dryness.

Dry mouth help at night

I think I’m doing what I can to stall the effects of lesser saliva production as I age by taking these xylimelts at night. Thank you.

Recommended & used by dental hygienists!



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