Trial for Professionals - Smilepen Power Whitening Strips Kit – Oral Science Boutique

Trial for Professionals - Smilepen Power Whitening Strips Kit

  • Sale
  • $57.49 CAD
  • Regular price $99.99 CAD

1 unit per dental professional. Free shipping.

7 × 2 Smilepen Power whitening strips + wireless whitening accelerator

The revolution in the teeth whitening market!

The set combines the strongest and most efficient teeth whitening strips on the market, with the latest and most effective Power whitening mouthpiece for up to 70% whiter teeth and maximum whitening results at the most attractive price!

The unique PAP whitening formula with hydroxyapatite strengthens the enamel, while hyaluronic acid ensures that the gums remain healthy and protected against irritation.

The Smilepen Power Whitening Accelerator enhances the effect of the strips and accelerates the whitening process. With this kit, you can achieve a radiant smile that is up to 70% whiter in a very short time.

How to use

  1. Clean and dry your teeth.
  2. Simply peel off the protective foil from the larger strip and place the adhesive side of the strips on the upper teeth and press firmly. Now fold the bottom end around the teeth to whiten them all around.
  3. Repeat the same for the lower row of teeth with the smaller strip.
  4. Put the LED accelerator in the mouth and start the timer.
  5. Now let it work for 15-30 minutes.
  6. Remove LED accelerator, rinse mouth with water and smile!

Charging instructions for the LED WaveLight Accelerator
  • When your LED WaveLight Accelerator flashes, it needs to be charged.
  • Generally, after 4 treatments of 15 minutes (so every 4 days), the LED WaveLight Accelerator will need to be charged.
  • The LED WaveLight Accelerator charger is designed to charge in it's case which is why the case has molds for the cables.
  • Charge your LED WaveLight Accelerator as shown in the photo below for a minimum of 4 hours.
  • When charging, the LED WaveLight Accelerator is flashing.
  • After 4 hours of charging the LED WaveLight Accelerator will stop flashing, it's then ready to be used again.

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