Merry Christmas 2019 – Oral Science Boutique
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Merry Christmas 2019

Participate by entering your information in the form below. We will annonce a winner on December 26, 2019.

Thanks to everyone who participated!

Terms & Conditions

“Christmas Giveaway" Contest ORAL SCIENCE

The contest begins on December 16, 2019, at 00:00 am and ends on December 25, 2019, at 11:59 pm.

The participant must complete the registration form available on the website.
When registering, participants must leave their first and last name, e-mail address and telephone number, province of origin and postal code where they can be reached.

 To participate, a person must be a Canadian resident and at least 18 years of age.
Entrants must respect the following limits, failing which the contest organizers reserve the right to cancel one or more of their entries: 

  • Limit of one entry per person

No purchase required. 


 Eligible contestants must be Canadian residents and 18 years of age or older. 

 Oral Science employees, prize suppliers, publicitý agencies or other companies directly or indirectly related to the contest organizers, as well as persons with whom they are domiciled, are not eligible to enter the Contest.


 Oral Science hereby declares that the estimated value of the prizes offered within this promotion is as follows: 

 PRICE: $100 gift card

A $100 gift card usable as a voucher on any order on

The total value of the prize is $100. 


 Winners will be selected randomly from all the entry forms completed on the website. A database is created for this purpose. 

 Winners will only be called at the end of the promotion. 

 If the selected person cannot be reached or does not respond to a telephone or e-mail message left to his attention during the week of his or her designation as a winner, his or her application will cease to be considered. In such a case, Oral Science reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to select by lot another participant whom we will try to reach in the same way. The first person to be randomly selected from among the participants will then be selected as the winner provided they meet the above criteria. 

 Oral Science will only contact the winner to confirm their prize and how to take possession of it. All other participants will not be contacted. 

 Prizes must be accepted as such and may not be exchanged for cash, transferred, sold or exchanged to any other person in part or in totality. 

 A winner must consent, if required and without compensation, to the use of his/her name, photo, voice, place of residence and/or any statement related to obtaining the prize for advertising purposes related to this contest. 

 Entries are subject to verification by the contest organizers. Any fraudulent or incomplete entry will automatically be rejected and will not be eligible for the prize. The decision of the organizers to this effect is final and without appeal. 

Recommended & used by dental hygienists!



Sold Out

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