Blog – Page 2 – Oral Science Boutique

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Gingivitis is a common condition that affects the gums and can have a negative impact on overall health if not treated in time. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums that typically occurs due to poor oral hygiene. It is often caused by the buildup of plaque, a thin layer of bacteria that forms on the teeth. When plaque is not regularly removed through brushing and flossing, it can cause irritation of the gums, leading to gingivitis.   Several factors can increase the risk of developing gingivitis. Among the main risk factors are:     It is important to recognize the...

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Dental cavities is one of the most common oral diseases in the world. It is caused by bacteria present in dental plaque that forms on teeth and gums. These bacteria feed on sugars and starches present in the foods we consume and produce acids that attack the enamel of our teeth. Over time, these acids can erode the enamel and cause cavities or holes in the teeth. Symptoms of dental cavities can vary depending on the severity of the disease, but may include: If dental cavities are left untreated, it can lead to more serious complications such as dental infections, tooth loss,...

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Dry mouth -

If you have ever experienced a dry mouth, you know how uncomfortable it can be. This phenomenon is called "dry mouth" or xerostomia, and it occurs when the salivary glands do not produce enough saliva to maintain normal oral moisture. Dry mouth can be caused by various factors such as taking certain medications, smoking, dehydration, stress, cancer treatments, Sjogren’s Syndrome, diabetes or even aging. Dry mouth is more than just a discomfort. In fact, saliva plays an essential role in protecting and maintaining oral health. It helps prevent cavities by removing food particles and bacteria from the mouth. Additionally, it...

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Tip of the Month -

When eliminating bacteria and controlling infections are now more important than ever, we sometimes neglect to properly protect a specific area of our bodies: our mouth.

Discover how X-PUR Opti-Rinse Plus can help you in your dental hygiene routine!

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Cavities, Curaprox, Dental tips, Gingivitis, Tip of the Month -

“Don’t forget to floss!”, is a saying that has been embedded into our minds ever since we we were children. While a string of floss is great for fitting between the teeth and cleaning some of the bacterial film from interdental spaces, it is not enough to thoroughly eliminate all the bacteria that is present in between your teeth. That is where interdental brushes come into play! They can efficiently eliminate bacteria that is present between teeth and between braces and are designed to fight bad breath, protect the enamel, and prevent gum disease. The CURAPROX interdental brushes are the best...

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Recommended & used by dental hygienists!



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